Halvard Heggdal
C.J. Hambros plass 7, Oslo
Definisjoner av Alexanderteknikken




Halvard Heggdal


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Noen beskrivelser og definisjoner fra faglitteraturen:

 Vivien Mackie
 "..., you're learning to meet the flowing current of what has to be done in every moment of daily life without interfering."
Just play naturally s. 54, Mackie 2002
Duende Editions 0-9717004-0

Jeremy Chance
Alexander's discoveries concern our habits of tension. The primary premise behind Alexander work is that if something is wrong it will be because we are doing something to make it wrong. It's about discovering what we are already doing to our bodies that we don't need to be doing, and then stopping doing it. The Alexander Technique s.3, Chance 2001
Thorsons ISBN 0-007-11035-9

Chris Stevens
What is the Technique? Briefly, it is a practical method for finding out what habits of body use we have and how we can prevent those which we find to be harmful.
Alexander Tehcnique, an Introductory Guide to the Technique and its Benefits s.55, Stevens 1987, Vermillion ISBN 0-09-180979-7

Wilfred Barlow
The Alexander Technique, briefly, is a method of showing people how they are mis-using their bodies and how they can prevent such mis-uses, whether it be at rest or during activity.
The Alexander Principle s.194, Barlow 1973
Victor Gollanz forlag 1990 pb ISBN 0-575-04749-6

Patrick MacDonald
It is a technique for altering the reaction of the individual to the stimuli of his environment, and thus it can be applied to the whole range of human activities, whether these be regarded as just thought processes or processes involving predominantly muscular activity.
The Alexander Technique as I See It s.53, MacDonald 1989
Rahula Books ISBN 0-9515072-0-6

John Gray
The Alexander Technique is a process of psycho-physical re-education: by inhibiting automatic habitual responses it allows you to eliminate old habits of reaction and mis-use of the body and, through more reliable sensory appreciation, brings about improved use and a more appropriate means of reaction.
Your Guide to the Alexander Technique s.13, Gray 1990
Victor Gollancz Ltd ISBN 0-575-05790-4

Frank Pierce Jones
The Alexander Technique is a method for organizing your kinaesthetic impressions -your sensations of movement, of position, of tension and weight -into a more unified system and adding to the efficiency and ease of everyday activity.

The Alexander Technique is a method for improving motor performances by integrating the voluntary and reflex components of a movement in such way that the voluntary does not interfere with the reflex and the reflex facilitates the voluntary.
Freedom to Change, The Development and Science of the Alexander Technique s.197 og s.200, Jones 1997 (1976)
Mouritz 1997 ISBN 0-9525574-7-9 pb

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